Kerala VHSE Result 2011 |
Kerala VHSE Result 2011 - Kerala VHSE Result 2011 is declared today 2nd August 2011 and available online. The Department of Vocational Higher Secondary Education conducts two year Vocational courses at the Higher Secondary level leading to the award of the “Certificate in Vocational Higher Secondary Education” in the concerned discipline. The courses are conducted in selected Government Higher Schools/High Schools (Aided)/ and Technical High Schools.
Each institution gives admission to 25 candidates in one course. A marginal increase not exceeding 20% seats in a course is sanctioned subject to availability of facilities, demand from the local public and without any additional financial commitment. Government of Kerala, Vocational Higher Secondary Examination 2011 result of first year examination is available in official website.
Check Kerala VHSE First Year Result 2011 here
Each institution gives admission to 25 candidates in one course. A marginal increase not exceeding 20% seats in a course is sanctioned subject to availability of facilities, demand from the local public and without any additional financial commitment. Government of Kerala, Vocational Higher Secondary Examination 2011 result of first year examination is available in official website.
Check Kerala VHSE First Year Result 2011 here